Finding out you are under investigation for a tax crime because of something your spouse or former spouse did may lead to considerable anxiety. If your spouse handles filing taxes and you have nothing to do with the process, you may feel especially uneasy about the...
Let Morgan Sebastian Law Help Solve Your Tax Problem
Month: November 2021
What do you know about installment agreements?
If you have trouble paying taxes, you may experience bouts of anxiety at the thought of the IRS sending demanding letters and charging you penalties. You want to meet your obligations, but you do not have the financial resources to pay your taxes in full. The IRS...
What increases your chances of a tax audit?
Recently, you received a notice from the IRS about an audit. You thought you followed the latest tax laws, but apparently, you missed something. Where did you slip up? Kiplinger shares various situations that may trigger an IRS audit. See what sent up a red flag to...
Understanding Innocent Spouse Relief
If you and your spouse are no longer together, and you receive a notice from the Internal Revenue Service that you owe taxes on a joint return, you may be wondering if you are responsible for paying it. In most circumstances, you are liable for taxes owed on a joint...